It’s Raining Taemin – (Danger) MV + (Ace/Danger) Live

It’s been a non-stop Taemin-athon in my house lately, which is probably a surprise to no one. Why, you ask? The full version of his new m/v Danger released yesterday!!!

My first impression? Well, first of all, Taemin needs to eat more. He is looking soooo thin with the release of this new album and it makes his face very gaunt. No es bueno! I just want to fry up a bunch of kimchi fried rice for him with extra spam and cheese on top and make him wash it all down with a bucket of banana milk!

skinnytaemin“For only 5 cents a day, you can help this Korean boy get his adorable baby face back…”

Anyways, my second thought about this video is the creepy nose ring thingy has got to go! Yet another thing getting in the way of Taemin’s natural cuteness. So, SMTOWN, please feed this boy and stop putting weird jewelry/torture devices on his face. I mean, seriously, how can you do that to Taemin? Not cool!

Screen shot 2014-08-16 at 6.26.00 AM

“Noona, help me!!”

Other than that, I really enjoyed this video. The fashion is pretty great, especially the sparkly jacket. The choreography is FANTASTIC and of course the song is very catchy in an old school MJ-esque way, which I really love.

Oh yeah, the live performance of Ace and Danger also released yesterday so I’ve been watching that too. Add some more Taemin to your day! Taemin for everyone!! It’s raining Taemin! And YOU get a Taemin, and YOU get a Taemin! Can you tell I’m excited about this? Okay, I’m done.


What do you think of Taemin’s new look?